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Saturday, February 13, 2016

The Trebuchet Project

Over the past couple weeks, students in Peter Selby's Physics class were constructing a catapult-like object - the trebuchet. In groups of three, students concocted a plan to maximize the trebuchet's performance such as having a sturdy base, so the whole thing doesn't fall over during the launch. Also, they had to measure and puncture holes appropriately into the throwing arm to get the farthest throw. On one end of the arm are heavy washers that act as counterweights to make the smaller washer on the other end fly high and far. In order to get the full mark, students must have the small washer hit 20 ft with four counterweight washers. This was no problem as many trebuchets could throw as much as 10 ft more than that with four washers. 

An extra credit opportunity was also presented to the students and their trebuchets. Called "Project: Storm the Castle," students would have to guesstimate how far they would be able to hit a castle with 4.5 washers. The closer you were to your prediction, the more likely you would earn the extra credit. The top three students in each period would earn extra credit and a spot on "Ye Old Hall of Fame" on the whiteboard.

Junior Molly Morrison, a student in Selby's Physics class and extra credit earner, enjoyed the project because, "I like to build, and I thought it was fun to see how far it could." After doing the project, students will have a better understanding of how machines work. In addition to that, their engineering skills will improve and apply to constructing in real life. 

School projects can be fun, especially when it helps you learn and remember key concepts. Some day, you may have to you those concepts. Just keep an open mind, and you will absorb all the knowledge and fun.

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